As a major innovative player on the inertial navigation market, SBG Systems supports Education centers and Research laboratories with the latest motion and navigation technologies for mobile applications such as autonomous driving, mobile mapping, etc.


SBG Systems is at your side for:

Become the n°1 with SBG sensors

Education Discount and Sponsorship

Become the n°1 with SBG sensors

SBG will study your project or competition and will help you equip your prototype with the latest technology thanks to the education offer.

Send your request specifying how you will integrate the sensor, and what functionalities are you interested in using the Contact Form.


Send your Resume!

SBG systems regularly welcome trainees in its Research & Development department, but also in Human Resources, Marketing, etc. Send your resume and cover letter here.

Book a Presentation at your school

Presentation & Demonstrations

Book a Presentation at your school

Motion and Navigation sensors are always evolving. SBG Systems will be happy to study your request and put its Tech. Team in your school for a full training on Inertial Sensing and Navigation or a presentation of the latest technologies.


Autonomous Robot Challenge

Autonomous Robot Challenge

The amazing VIKINGS team’s robot  autonomous navigation relies on several sensors: odometry prediction, fused with Ellipse-A inertial sensor information, then c

Hyperloop Challenge

Hyperloop Challenge

HyperXite, the team from the UCI university, participated to the second Hyperloop competition and ranked #1 of All-American Hyperloop team, and #2 in the world

Autonomous Robot Challenge

Autonomous Robot Challenge

The amazing VIKINGS team’s robot  autonomous navigation relies on several sensors: odometry prediction, fused with Ellipse-A inertial sensor information, then c

Hyperloop Challenge

Hyperloop Challenge

HyperXite, the team from the UCI university, participated to the second Hyperloop competition and ranked #1 of All-American Hyperloop team, and #2 in the world