Mobile Mapping
Cost-Effective and High Performance Inertial Navigation System for Mobile Mapping
An Inertial Navigation System (INS) fuses inertial data (acceleration and turn rates) with GNSS to compute enhanced orientation and position. It allows precise data geo-referencing even when GNSS disturbances or outages occur, and compensates inaccuracies due to the vehicle motion.
The INS also provides time-stamping, and synchronise various mobile mapping instruments like cameras and LiDARs.
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Take the best from every sensor! By adding an odometer to your INS solution, you improve the trajectory robustness in GNSS-denied environments such as urban canyons, forests, tunnels.
Please note that 1 antenna is good enough for accurate heading in land applications while 2 antennas GNSS receiver will provide a more precise heading when the vehicle is in slow motion, and a faster initialization.
If you choose a model with integrated GNSS receiver (a N or a D model), you can connect and synchronize to several equipment (LiDAR, Camera, Computer, etc.)