Explore Ellipse Micro Series

Ellipse Micro brings the highest accuracy in the smallest and most economic package. This line of products is divided in a comprehensive set of three sensors: an Inertial Measurement Unit that can be used for high performance motion monitoring and an attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS), providing accurate orientation in dynamic conditions.

Home Ellipse Micro Series

Ellipse Micro product range

Our product range offers a comprehensive suite of sub-miniature, high-performance MEMS based Inertial Systems which achieve exceptional orientation and navigation performance in a tiny and affordable package. All products were thoughtfully designed to meet diverse application needs, featuring distinct options.

Discover everything you need to know about all Ellipse Micro versions.

Ellipse Micro IMU Unit Checkmedia Right

Ellipse Micro IMU

Ellipse Micro IMU is an Inertial Measurement Unit that can be used for high performance motion monitoring.
Industrial grade IMU ± 1000 °/s Gyro range 14 μg In run bias instability 0.03 m/s/√h Random Walk
OEM Ellipse A AHRS Unit Right

Ellipse Micro AHRS

Ellipse Micro AHRS additionally runs an Extended Kalman Filter to provide Roll, Pitch, Heading, and Heave.
AHRS Only 10 g 5 cm Heave 0.1 ° Roll and Pitch